The Sparks of Light (FAQ and video)

For the past several years (since 2016), I’ve been able to see sparks of light. I’ve been painting them since 2021. I explain the origins of where they began in my life in the video below. I’ve been silent about them since I was worried people would think I’m crazy. Now I don’t care. I want people to see what I see.

Q: So what are the sparks of light?

I have no idea for certain. It’s not something that can necessarily be measured or proven since (as far as I know) I’m the only one who can see them. I like to think they are my guardian angels or spirit guides. I feel comforted when they appear to me. I know they are always there even though I am not always open to seeing them.

Q: What do they look like?

The best way to explain what they look like is to show you. I’ve made several paintings below that display what they look like. The movement of them is like they fly in and then disappear. The first 2 times they came to me, I was in a fork in the road in my life. I was trying to make important decisions about my path. After making the difficult decisions, they appeared.

The first time I saw them was the biggest they’ve ever been. They were about a foot long and as bright as the sun. They had a yellowish rim around a bright white center. Next time I saw them, they were about 3 inches long and slightly fragmented as they flew by. They were yellow in the center with a red rim around them.

Now that I’ve dedicated myself to my art career, I am more at peace. Now I am able to see them whenever I am feeling centered. During these meditative states, they look tiny and can be any color but they look almost clear.

Do you have more questions you want answered? Let me know and I’ll do my best.

Jojo’s Sparks of Light Paintings:


An Artist’s Spring Wildflower Roadtrip (Part 1: California)